On Thursday, August 4, RALF-FRED-STEN turned 1!
Yes, first BIG birthday arrived... Of course the boys didn't get a clue what's going on (except a lot of guests all day long), but for me, it was an important date: I realized that we have really survived the 1st year with triplets; I'm still alive, I'm still relatively normal and even have quite a good mood (most of the time). Wow! I have to say I'm proud of myself, Erik and Kert.
Looking back - no, I wouldn't want to repeat it. I'll be more than satisfied if those boys will be my last set of triplets. I wouldn't want to go through it again, especially the first six months, when it always felt like I'm functioning at the edge of human limits. On the other hand, in a million years, I wouldn't imagine life without those cute little boys! They are truly wonderful, I just can't stop thinking how lucky I am that they came to our family and that I'm their mommy. When I look at them, all the hard times are forgotten...
The boys had loads of guests for their 1st birthday party and I think everyone had fun. It was good to see all our relatives, friends, small kids... and we were blessed with absolutely wonderful weather in August 4!
Now, for the next birthday, "only" 1 year to wait... and then our boys will have their terrible twos! :)
*PS - the teeth-growing has progressed a lot within the last month. Sten, who was having 0 teeth at the age of 11 months, ended up leading when the boys turned 1! He has 4 teeth now! Fred, who had the first 2 teeth early, is now in the last place, having only those 2 also at the age of 1. Ralf, is in the middle, with 3 teeth. :)*
Some photos from the birthday party:
In the morning, we had small kids with their mommies visiting the boys. There were Marju and Märten, Aune and Glen, Birgit and Kaspar, Merje and Melissa:
In this photo, you can see 5 children, who were born premature (we all met in the NICU unit of birth hospital, all born on 32nd week of pregnancy), all of them are now healthy 1-year-old boys and girls:
Some of our "mid-day" guests (who luckily stayed also for the afternoon party) - our Nanny's daughters Matilde and Emmeline, I and Fred, Eda with her sons Mihkel and Märt:
THE BIRTHDAY CAKE (made by daddy):
Starting to sing for the boys "Happy Birthday" song:
Now, we prepare for blowing off the 1st candle on the cake, the boys are with grandma (Sten), uncle Martin (Fred) and daddy (Ralf):
Boys on the swing:
Grandparents with grandchildren:
Party place - our garden (as you see - perfect weather):
1 day ago
Nii tore! Palju õnne ja vahvaid tegusid järgmiseks aastaks!
Kui ma iga korda olen (ühe) lapse esimesel eluaastal mõelnud, et enam ei kunaga, ja siis jälle sama rada käinud, siis kolme puhul selline mõte ei tuleks vist tõesti enam kõne alla... Igatahes oled sa ülitubli ema ning su pere ja sõbrad on samuti kiitust väärt!
Aitäh, Meeli! :)
Ühe lapse puhul, jah, võivad mõtted muutuda ja oled valmis seda esimest eluaastat kordama; kuid kui ma nüüd pikemalt Sinu elule ja laste arvule mõtlen, siis 5 korda järjest... ooo ei, parem siis juba 3 korraga! :)
Nii et mina ei suudaks sama järgi teha, mis Sina! (Mulle elu lihtsalt sundis selle veidi raskema olukorra)
Tänud ülivahva peo eest:)
Mul on niiii hea meel teie üle!!! :)
Palju õnne kogu teie perele! Alles olid nii pisikesed, nüüd ikka täitsa suured poisid juba...aasta läheb kiiresti!
Aitäh! :)
Suure hilinemisega minu poolt samuti palju-palju õnne selle esimese, vast kõige raskema, kuid eduka aasta puhul, eriti just sulle, Karin. Kolme lapsega on ikka palju keerulisem hakkama saada, väga hääd närvid peavad olema, kuid loodetavasti saad kolmekordselt ka rõõmu ja kallisid vastu:) Poisid on nii imevahvad ning sünnipäevapidu oli teil igati kena ja meeldejääv:) Hästi tore pere ja armas kodu teil:D
Suur tänu, Sirje, nii ilusate sõnade eest!!! Kõike head ka teile! Oled ju sama tubli ema! :)
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