Yes - raising triplets is not easy. The past week has been extra-ordinary difficult.
1. The boys have stopped eating milk properly. They play and make fun over it, they are never hungry and it takes ages to get one bottle of milk (150 mL) inside them. I cannot feed 2 boys at the same time anymore, they take long breaks while eating and to feed 3 boys in a row is a biiiig challenge. I would not worry, but when we weigh them each time before the bath, then the reality is, that they hardly gain any weight, sometimes they even loose weight... I'm worried and I don't know what to do. Luckily they eat "normal" food (vegetables, porridge) quite well, so at least they get some energy from them. Sten eats almost no milk during the day-time. He jokes around so much. He is hungry only during nights, never in the day-time. And I wonder where does he take the energy to feel happy and playful?!?
2. The boys have stopped their good sleeping routine during the day-time. They used to sleep 3 hours in a row outside in the pram. It gave me time to make a dinner, to clean, to work in the garden, to WASH myself or something like that. Now, it's only a wish! Yesterday, Sten slept exactly... for 45 minutes! Fred slept 1,5 hours. Ralf slept 2 hours. So to have a break for 45 minutes from the boys... it feels like nothing. Absolutely nothing. I manage to clean their room, go to the toilet and that's it.
3. The boys have stopped sleeping during the mornings, too. They are awake around 5.20...5.30, if we are lucky, then 5.45! And "on the go" at once. Before they used to stay in their beds and play there for a while, but now they are so active, that do a lot of clining and put their legs somewhere they cannot get them out anymore and then start to scream. Of course I cannot then stay in my bed anymore. And I feel like I JUST went to sleep after their last eating at night. Urrr... when the morning starts already like that, then I'm dead tired by 10 in the morning! And I still have 9 hours after that...
4. The boys want to reach every toy they see, but they still cannot crawl properly, yet. It makes them angry. I have to be close all the time to give them everything. Besides, they want to sit and play because then they see better. But they cannot sit properly yet. And they only have 1 mom, and I can support only 1, or maximum 2, kids while they want to sit and play... So I have too few hands!
5. The days are warm and beautiful and I wish I could stay in the garden with them a lot more. But since they do not sit and the ground is still a bit too cold, then I cannot really put 3 babies anywhere - again, I only have 1 me.... and not more. One is sitting on my lap while we are outside, but where do I put 2 others?
6. I'm lucky I already work. To go to work, once a week, on Wednesdays, is a vacation for me. I love my boys a lot, but I need some break, too, from this busy, busy, busy, busy life. And work is a vacation right now. I envy Erik - he shuts the door every morning to go to work for 8 hours and REST from being his hands tied every second . He can go to the shop when he wants. He can go to do sports when he wants. He can go photographing when he wants. He just walks out. I.... can NEVER do that. A life of a mom... I know! I'm now seriously thinking of getting a nanny. 1 day a week, 8 hours in a row. So that I can shut the door and walk out, too. Do something else. Then come back fresh and enjoy all the busy life again...
I let myself to be weak only today. On my birthday. I'm allowed to do that, right? From tomorrow, I'll enjoy everything again! I love my boys...

Ma ei saa öelda, et tean, mida sa tunned. Aga kõik emad võivad endale nõrkushetki lubada. Ja ka lapsehoidajat, sest väsinud ja kurnatud emast/naisest ei ole pere kooshoijata/armastajat. Jõudu sulle!
PS! Kas õhematest heidepükstest (potitiga harjutamiseks) oled huvitatud?
Mind hoiatati, et kui läheb soojemaks siis hakkavad vähem magama. Äkki on probleem sellest? Õhemalt riidesse ja varjulisse kohta, kus neil jahedam oleks...äkki siis magavad kauem?
Jaksu sulle! Ma ilmselt saan varsti öelda, et ma tean mida sa tunned... peaaegu juba praegu.
Kallid Sulle!
Loodan, et Sul oli kaunis ja meeldejääv päev!
Ma tean, mida Sa tunned, et "lööks ka ukse enda järelt kinni ja läheks..." teemal. Aga emad on vististi asendamatud, isad see-eest mitte;) Eks me peame enda eest seisma ja "nõudma" ka aega iseenda ja hobide jaoks.
Ma kujutan ette, et see praegune aeg, kui poisid silmadega tahaks juba igale poole ja kõike kätte saada, aga endal veel jalgu all ei ole, ongi kõige tüütum. Muudkui tassi ja vahenda.
Ma arvan, et need lühikesed päevauned võivad tõesti olla soojusest tingitud. EElmisel suvel hakkas Mihkel ka järsku 40-minutilisi uinakuid tegema eelnevate 2-3 tunniste asemel. Sügisel läksid päevauned taas pikemaks. Seega võibolla õhem riietus ja jahedam paik tõesti veidi aitaksid?
Hommikul ärkavad nad äkki valguse peale? Võibolla ööune veidi hilisemaks jätmine aitaks natuke?
Söömisega ma arvan nii, et kuna nad on juba siiski üsna aktiivsed, siis nad lihtsalt rahmeldavad oma plusskaalu ära. Aga kui nad ise rõõmsad, energilised ja rahulolevad on, siis ma üldiselt ei muretseks. Lapsed end juba nälga ei jäta, see on kindel:)
Palju õnne sünnipäevaks sulle:)
Lugedes su juttu, siis oled ikka superemme, et hakkama saad 3 poisiga, eriti kui mõelda mis kõik ees veel ootab. Söömine ja söötmine on mul ka nii kontimurdev teema praegu, kuigi minu lapsed tunduvalt suuremad...
Soovitaksin, et kui lapsed magavad, ja veel mingi aeg kõik ühel ajal, siis maga ise ka, kuid omast käest tean, et nii palju asju vaja teha ja see masendab... Mul poiss omal ajal aga pea 3-kuusena juba ainult 40-min tudusid ainult tegigi, teise tita ajal aga ei maga üldse enam ja korraga ei ole nad pea kunagi maganud:( Et ei mingit aega iseendale.
Siiski kordan mina omale aina, et küll saab see aeg ükskord mööda, ja ei kavatse end ette muserdada mõtetega, et tulemas uued ja ehk hullemad mured...
Päikest ja kena kevadet:)
Karin, palju õnne sünnipäevaks! Minu jaoks ei tähenda see tekst üldsegi seda, et oled nõrk (sest ma ju tean mida Sa tunned:)- ja sedagi, et päevad pole vennad- ja sedagi, et kolmikute peres käiakse tööl puhkamas). Need on täiesti normaalsed tunded, ime oligi, et nii vähe endale taolisi mõtteid seni lubanud oled!
Kui mulle öeldakse "ma ei oska ettegi kujutada, kuidas kolmikutega on", tavatsen vastata, "ükskõik, kuidas sa ka ette ei kujutaks, tegelikkuses on ikka natuke hullem..." Nii lihtsalt on. Läbi väsinud silmade paistab kõik eriti masendav. Aga ometi paistab päike ka pilvede taga!
Kallistan Sind kõvasti!
... aga see kaalumine lõpeta küll kohe ära, ma Lisanniga tegin sama vea, see on MÕTTETU ja sööb närvid seest (Lisann on praegu mitte väga palju Sinu poistest raskem, muide)!!!
oh Karin that you are absolutely right to "complain", even if it wasn't your birthday.
as I said many times before, you are the SUPER-WOMAN for me right now.
I recognise all the hard, hard work you must be going through... I had one baby and felt SO tired, as Mané was living at Lisbon for the first months and there I was, no breaks. taking showers at 6am because that was the perfect time to be calm and not rush.
but look at your boys. so beautiful and happy. I'm sure you'll get all that hard work and busy time rewarded, in the form of 3 hearts melting, everytime they hug you... for the rest of your life.
lots of love
Tänan nii toreda tagasiside eest, kallid sõbrad! Mul läks tunne kohe nii palju paremaks, kui lugesin teie kogemusi - kuigi teise raskus ei peaks olema kuidagi nauditav, oli ikkagi hea teada, et mina ainukesena pole saamatu, vaid ka teistel on raskeid aegu... Hetkel on meil jälle kergemaks läinud - poisid magavad tunnikese hommikul kauem (jah, tegime toa veelgi pimedamaks) ning ka päeval jälle paremini - soojad ilmad võisid olla siin põhjuseks.
Ja muidu on nad ka kuidagi tublimad! Aitäh teile toetuse eest! :)
Marta - thank you for your support and kind words! It means so much to me!
The boys are now again better and sleep a bit more during the morning which mean so much to me. And day-naps are longer again, too. So I'm controling the situation again! :) Thank you, all the best to Portugal!
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