Spring is definitely on its way! The last days have been quite winter-like, but today - finally - we have sunshine again (+ a strong wind) and it marks the official start of Spring. We have really longed for warmer weather with boys. They can now walk well outside, but they don't like to walk in the snow or on ice. So now, when the snow slowly melts, it gives much more opportunities for us to go out and have something interesting to do.
Fred is the one who adores being outside and searching every corner of our garden. He never wants to come back inside, it's always with loads of cry. Sten, on the other hand (at least right now, when he is cranky because of teething), likes to stay outside for 10 minutes and then prefers to sit on my lap or whine when I don't take him on my lap. Ralf is somewhere in the middle. He doesn't whine much, but he is not such a curious boy outside as Fred is.
During last weekend, we went to the local playground for the first time. My mom was with me and the boys, too, otherwise it would have been too complicated to look after 3 little boys who run in 3 different direction... There was still a bit too much snow, but the boys enjoyed some of the attraction quite a lot. We are definitely going back there as soon as it gets warmer and snow has melted away.
Spring, please arrive quicker! :)
3 days ago
Päikeselist kevadet!
Vahvad sellid:) Loodetavasti aprillis näeme ka! Võiks see pori-aeg juba tõesti läbi saada, praegu pese muudkui poiste õueriideid ja koera:( Aga aprilli lubas soojemat kui tavaliselt, eks saab näha!
Just, me ootame ka hirmsasti, et see porine aeg saaks läbi ja päike ka rohkem paistaks!
Aprillis kindlasti näeme. :)
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