This is the second scrap-booking album I have made. The first one went to our neighbour-boy Glen (it was about his first 2 years) and now, the second one was a gift for Erik's grandma - the triplets' great-grandmother. She has always said that she likes to watch the photos of the boys (I have given her some), but since she has no computer at home, she doesn't see the photos online. That's why I decided to make an album for her. It was not an easy task - with all the Christmas hussle and boys' sickness before Christmas (they had a nasty rota-virus). I practically finished this album on Christmas Day! But at least it was finished, wrapped and given to Great-Grandmother on Christmas party yesterday. She loved it just the same as I loved making it.
My next album will be for myself. It's a bigger album and surely will take some time to make, but at least I already have the photos developed and scrapbooking materials laying around the bedroom floor (I have no other place to make it...), so lets start! :)
3 days ago
Väga armas, Karin:) Tahaks juba Su järgmisi töid ka näha!
Aitäh, Eda :) Usun, et nende järgmistega läheb veel tükk aega - tead ju omast käest, kuidas selle scrapbookinguga on! Kuigi tulemust on alati lahe vaadata, siis kogu see mässamine paberite, liimide jms-ga nõuab omajagu aega. Kui oleks seda aega kusagilt võtta, siis teeks kohe mitu albumit järjest! :)
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