Thursday, February 17, 2011

Is it too cold?

Having babies in a Nordic country brings you to a dilemma sooner or later:
Is it too cold to bring the child out to sleep the day-nap?
How cold is too cold?
My boys have always slept 2.5-3 hours outside, or being precise, in our garden house which is not heated. No matter what the weather is. In February, we always have a cold period and this year, it's this week. My boys are sleeping outside right now and it's -17C.
It is said that there is no too cold weather, but the wrong clothing.
So, keeping that in mind, I have packed my boys in every possible way, when they go out.

First - woolen jumper and woolen pants, woolen socks, normal hat, woolen hat.
Second - warm winter overalls, warm blanket inside their cocoons.
Third - sheep skin inside the baby-pram.
Fourth - sheep skin oustide the baby-parm.

Every day, when I take the babies inside, after 3 hours, they are all warm and happy.
I think I should not worry, that it's too cold?
Apart from the coldness, it's beautiful outside! I just love the first sunny winter days when the sun goes higher again: it shows that Spring is not far away....


Sirje said...

Tere Karin. Ma arvan, et aiamajas ei hakka lastel vast ka -20 juures külm, eriti kui korralikult sisse pakitud:) Minu kurb kogemus eelmisest aastast on aga selline, et pisike tita sai külmakahjustuse põskedele, sellised tumepunased laigud, seest tihked. Aga muidugi olin -11kraadiga lageda taeva all oma 1/2h, ju tuul tegi ka asja hullemaks. Mina aga lootsin tita näokesele valgust näidata:) Kuid jõudu riietamisel, mul 2 lapse riidesse saamine võtab küll võhmale:)

Karin said...

Õnneks hakkavad nüüd külmad ilmad mööda saama! See on küll kurb, et teie pisike tita sai eelmisel aastal külmakahjustuse... Ma ka kõige enam just kardan põskede ja ninaotsa pärast, aga siiani ei ole õnneks midagi olnud. Põsed on muidugi õuest tulles roosad-roosad, kuid kahjustusi ma märganud ei ole.
Teile ka jõudu, kahe pisikesega on samamoodi tükk tegu, et kõik toimetused saaks tehtud ja lapsed oleksid rõõmsad ning emme ka puhanud!