Friday, January 28, 2011

Favourite toys

The boys develop their playing skills right now - they can crab toys with both hands, put them to the mouth or move the toy until it makes a noise. Quickly, they have picked their favourite toys - in some ways, they are better than others, maybe just right for their age, because all boys like the same toys.

Toy no 1 is definitely a clown in the frame. It makes a loud noise with a very small effort of moving and the frame around it is just right size for the boys to crab with both eyes.

Toy no 2 is an octopus - it crackles when you touch it and it has several legs to crab in, all in different colours. Boys find it very funny!

Toy no 3 is a centipede. It has very bright colours and again, many legs, to crab in and it's soft and cute.

We'll see how long those toys remain their favourites. We have loads of different toys, so they can pick new favourites soon! :)
Actually, the importance of toys in babies' life is overrated. The best entertainment, from our experience, is a jumping, dancing, singing mom in front of the boys, who besides those 3 actitivites makes funny faces and strange noises - this is what keeps the boys in their best mood!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Some weekends ago, Erik went to Saaremaa island to photograph eagles. This is practically the only shot he got from this trip. He named the photo "Royal" as eagles are one of the most majestic birds who we have in Estonia.
Photographed by Erik, January 2011, Saare county

Monday, January 17, 2011

Boys vs Chickenpox - 3:0

Finally, my boys have beaten the chicken-pox! Yes, all of them are recovering well and my "old" boys are back:
Smily Ralf is back.
Sporty Fred is back.
Cuty Sten is back.

I'm relieved! Of course it takes time before the spots are gone, but they are healing and the boys mood is back to normal, or almost normal. And clearly it takes time to get our normal routine back, too, - so for some more days and nights, I have to bear with more whining and grumpiness and mood swings, but this is a piece of cake next to chicken-pox fight!
What is our normal daily routine?
Let me tell you:
The boys wake up usually around 8.30...9.00. This is great, because I'm a late-sleeper and do not fancy an idea for the boys getting up in the middle of the night like some kids do!
Then, they usually play on their own - either in their beds or I take them to our large bed and they are playing and talking to me, while I am still in bed half-asleep.
Around 10.00 we have the breakfast. The boys usually get formula then - each of them eat 120 mL. Then I take boys either to the sitter or under playing arch and we all play until 11.00 or a bit more. By that time, boys are getting grumpy and it shows that they need a small morning nap. Sometimes, they all fall asleep on the same time (which gives me a chance to get a breakfast myself, too), but often they sleep in a little different times and my hands are occupied all the time. I also need to find time to pump the milk for them.
Lunch for the boys is at 12.30. All of them eat 130 mL breastmilk then and usually, it takes quite a time, because they play with the bottle, they try to talk to me while eating and so on... But finally, the bottles are finished and we start to prepare for the long day-sleep.
Usually, after geting all the boys to their clothes, cocoons and out to the pram, it's around 13.30. They fall asleep very well outside, so I don't need to swing the pram for a long time. I go back to the house then and first, sit down for 5 minutes to rest. I just do nothing, stare in front of me and gain the energy to start with... cleaning the boys' room, sorting clothes which need to be washed, feeding the dogs, pumping the milk and if lucky, finding time also to eat something and maybe... (but not every day) go to the shower. :)
The boys usually sleep for 3 hours. I wake them up around 16.30, but usually some of them is making noise around this time, too, so it shows that it's the time to go and take them inside again. They are having their milk again, around 130 mL. After sleep, they are in good mood and can play alone for a while, which gives me a chance to read my e-mails or do something else, like paying bills or whatever is urgent. Soon they want to me to be playing with them, so it's only a few free minutes.
They usually sleep their small evening nap, for 15-20 minutes, at 18.30 and after that, they eat again, around 19.00. The last two hours are quite difficult - the boys are tired of the long day and I am tired, too... We just try to pass it by, sometimes with better moods, sometimes with a bit grumpy moods... but finally 21.00 comes and I prepare the boys for the night sleep - we put night goans on and I give boys the breast milk to eat. Often, they eat more than 130 mL. Fred and Ralf can eat even up to 200 mL. By 22.00, ideally, the boys are in their beds sleeping. Of course it doesn't happen so every day... someone is craying, someone has lost the dummy, someone doesn't fall asleep and so on. But by 23.00 we usually have the quietness at home and after I've pumped the milk, I go to bed, too.
In the night, ideally, the boys eat twice. I always wake up Erik, too, because it's easier with 2 people and it gives me a chance to go to the other room for milk-pumping and get "my own time". Yes, in the middle of the night, I'm having my own time, twice for 30 minutes, to read a book, a magazine, a newspaper...
And, then the new morning comes and we start our routine again.
Doesn't sound too bad, does it? Well, if someone wants to try it, you are welcome! :) I'd gladly go on a holiday for a few days! :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Current situation

I hope, that next time, I can write the sentence "Getting better...". Today, I cannot write it, yet. The situation is the hardest with the boys right now. It's the 5th day and with Fred, it was the last hardest day, but with Ralf and Sten, it seems that the difficult days are just starting... They were with relatively good mood until yesterday - until there were still fewer spots than Fred had. But today night, the situation changed - both Ralf and Sten got so many new spots and the previous ones are big and ugly and aching, so they really seem to suffer more than Fred did... he recovered quicker. Sten is in the worst situation now. It's strange - he started with 6 spots only, the next day 30 spots and now, he has as much as Fred had - I think 1000 spots is not exaggeration at all. And he is so sad about it, I know... it all aches and itches! Ralf, I want to believe, has the last hard day today and tomorrow, he'll feel a bit better.
So, right now, we do not cope without help at all anymore. Since today night, we need 3 people to take care for the boys - 1 person per boy... because Fred, who is now healthy, needs attention and care, too, and someone has to prepare the milk, wash the clothes (oh, how many green clothes we are having right now!) and do all other work around the house.
So we have a shedule now:
Yesterday, my friend Marju helped me. Kert was home early and he was helping me, too. Today night, my mom came to help us. Erik took a free day from work, too, to stay at home today. My mom stays until our night-nanny Inger comes. She stays the next night. And waits until Erik's mom comes... she stays for Saturday and the following night. And waits until my mom comes again... Hard - but no other way: we have to cope!
For last 2 days, I've been seriously thinking of giving up pumping the breast-milk. It's already too frustrating and stressing for me, because I cannot find time for it anymore... and during the nights, it's especially hard, because it steals all those precious minutes when instead, I could sleep (yes, right now we count our sleeping in minutes, not in hours anymore). I do it only... because I feel sorry for the boys so much. And maybe the breast-milk will help them to recover quicker.
I had no idea that chicken-pox can be so difficult for small babies! Please, please, please... make this night-mare to be over within the current week!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Chicken-pox ralley no 2

Yesterday, when we thought that life is almost back to normal - Fred has recovered from chicken-pox and we could re-locate him together with other boys again - I discovered the chicken-pox spots on Ralf and Sten... after we did the bath.
The reality hit me soooo hard. Do I really have to go through all this again, having a crying, aching, sad, impassive, sensitive baby again - and this time, not 1 baby, but 2 at the same time?!? Oh, do I have strength to do it? I was so sad yesterday night... I struggled a lot when Fred was sick and the others were healthy, and I cannot imagine the situation can be even harder, because it was the hardest I could deal with. And now, I'm having sick Ralf and sick Sten...
Fred still has spots, too, but all of them are healing well. Today Ralf and Sten still have relatively good mood and their spots are only in the developing-phase, so they do not itch, yet. The hardest days with Fred were the day 3, 4 and 5. I'm scared of those days with Ralf and Sten...
I'm mad at God right now - why did he create viruses to the world?!??

Prediction for this week: many sleepless nights and lots of baby-cries...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

5 months old

5 months have flied since I gave birth to my three beautiful baby boys. It has been an amazing journey to grow together with them - to grow as a mother and as a human being (read: to grow more patient, more peaceful, less-restless in my soul and less-worried) and to experience again, that nothing - absolutely nothing - is comparable against the love to your child.

With these 5 long (feels quite short, actually!) months I have realized, that:
1. I've learnt to love the routine - nothing works better in your daily-life with triplets
2. I can delegate some boring house-jobs to the others, which I never did before
3. I can actually wake up early with a good mood ready to take care for my boys (waking up early has always been my weak side)
4. It takes so little to feel happy... - a smile from any of my boys can make me forget all the difficult and tiresome days
5. I can never stop thinking about my boys, wherever I am...
It has taken 5 months to find out those 5 things.
Happy 5-months-birthday, my darlings!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Getting better...

Thank you, all friends, for your kind words and support!

Today I can report that Fred's health is getting better and so far, Ralf and Sten are spotless. I guess it's no use to hope that they will remain spotless, but at least some gap gives me a bit of time to gain strentgh before I have to face the spots and cries again...
My mom was here again for 1 night and half day and this was a big help - she was together with Fred, holding him and comforting him while I took care for the "twins". Fred got really better last night when he got some good sleep and today, he agreed to take a day-nap in his pram-cocoon, which I placed to our sauna rest-room which is very cool as we haven't heaten it. It clearly shows that he has beaten the chicken-pox - the previous days, he agreed to sleep only on my or my mom's lap...
However, we still need help to deal with the situation because we have decided to keep the boys separated until there's still little hope that maybe the other boys didn't catch the virus. Fred stays in Kert's room for the whole week (or until we see the spots on other boys) and we have asked my friend Marju and our night-nanny Inger to come and help us during the day time when Erik is at work. Probably Fred feels back as normal already after a couple of days (but he'll remain "green" probably for a longer time!), so he can enjoy my full attention, which will be a bonus for him after suffering so much because of the chicken-pox.
I will not show any photos of Green-Fred today, but I show the photos taken before his illness - the boys learn to be on their bellies right now!
Ralf and Fred: