Friday, January 28, 2011

Favourite toys

The boys develop their playing skills right now - they can crab toys with both hands, put them to the mouth or move the toy until it makes a noise. Quickly, they have picked their favourite toys - in some ways, they are better than others, maybe just right for their age, because all boys like the same toys.

Toy no 1 is definitely a clown in the frame. It makes a loud noise with a very small effort of moving and the frame around it is just right size for the boys to crab with both eyes.

Toy no 2 is an octopus - it crackles when you touch it and it has several legs to crab in, all in different colours. Boys find it very funny!

Toy no 3 is a centipede. It has very bright colours and again, many legs, to crab in and it's soft and cute.

We'll see how long those toys remain their favourites. We have loads of different toys, so they can pick new favourites soon! :)
Actually, the importance of toys in babies' life is overrated. The best entertainment, from our experience, is a jumping, dancing, singing mom in front of the boys, who besides those 3 actitivites makes funny faces and strange noises - this is what keeps the boys in their best mood!


Maarja said...

Minu enda jaoks on see laste ees tantsimine ja laulmine veel natuke võõrastav. Igast konstruktsioone, mis neid võiks lõbustada võin küll ehitada ja mänguasjadega nende nina all vehkida. Aga küllap see aeg meil varsti tuleb, kui muudest asjadest enam ei aita ja ema oma võlud appi peab võtma.

Karin said...

Ole rahulik, Maarja, ka issi õpib laulmise ja tantsimise ära (kui ta veel ei oska), sest see on parim viis, kuidas sellises vanuses lapsed ühest söögiajast teiseni heas tujus hoida! :) Vähemalt meil lastele laulmine meeldib kõige enam, siis on tavaliselt jonn vakka, kui kuulevad, et keegi neile laulma hakkab. Igasugused huvitavad hääled emme ja issi suust on samuti naljakad, ning kõikvõimalikud naljakad näod jne. Praegu on nad just sellises eas, kus üle kõige meeldib neile inimesi jälgida ja nendega suhelda. Siis ei jäägi muud üle, kui kargad ja hüppad nende ees, sest kolmega eraldi suhelda on raske - ei taha ju kedagi eelistada.