Thursday, May 5, 2011

9 months old

The boys turned 9 months old yesterday!

I baked a cake for them and we had quite a big birthday party with grandparents and uncle-aunts (we also celebrated my 35th birthday, yes I'm already THAT old!). The boys enjoyed the party and I'm happy that now they are big enough not to be irritated of crowdy house from time to time. They often didn't mind at all that the girls (Emily, Anna and Lisanne) sometimes made big noise; Ralf even fall in his small nap in the living-room just like every day.

We have not been to the doctor for 2 months (and it will be postponed for 2 more weeks because of my unexpected work-obligations which I couldn't change), but at home we weigh the boys and Ralf, the biggest milk-eater, is now 8,7 kg, Fred, quite a good eater, too (but easily vomits) is now 8,5 kg and Sten, a never-hungry-boy, 8,3 kg. I think they all are around 74 cm tall as they wear clothes of this size and they fit now perfectly.

I have intended to write a post about boys' characters, but even right now, I cannot really differiante their characters a lot. Who smiles the most? They are all smily. Sometimes people think that Sten smiles the most, but this is because he is smiling to all people at once. With me, Ralf smiles the most. Who is the most quieter? Sometimes it's Sten, but when he gets tired, then he is crying over anything, even when you touch him. Sometimes it's Ralf when he is swinging in his sitter (he can do it for hours if we let him to) and sometimes it's Fred as he loves to play on the floor for a very long time (not always, of course). Who is the most patient? Again, depends on the mood. I can only tell who is the biggest eater: definitely Ralf! And it shows in his face, too! :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my darlings!

All my darlings together: my own 4 children and niece Lisanne + Erik's nieces Emily and Anna


KKK said...

Palju õnne! Nii armsalt on terve pere ühesugustes triibulistes pluusides :)
35 ja vana? Nalja teed! Pealegi ei lase väikesed lapsed sul end vanana tunda ;)

Eda said...

Palju õnne! Vahvad meremehed, peate Pärnusse paadiga sõitma tulema (hea uneteraapia poistele, meie poisid jäävad merel alati magama);)

Karin said...

Aitäh, Meeli ja Eda!
Õnneks jah lapsed hoiavad mind noorena, muidu oleks juba päris känd valmis! :) Ja, Eda, kindlasti tuleme paadiga sõitma, kui poisid piisavalt suured - seega võtame juba praegu kutse vastu, aga kasutame veidi hiljem! :)