Monday, September 27, 2010

27 September 2010

Today - 27 September - is the due-date of my boys, when they should have been born if they were in-time babies.
For this date, all of them have reached 3 kilo mark! :)
On Saturday, Ralf weighed 3460 grams, Fred 3250 grams and Sten 3050 grams.
On Friday, we went to see our family doctor and she also measured the boys - Ralf and Fred were 50.5 cm tall and Sten 49.5 cm tall.
So, for their due-date, they have reached quite normal baby size, haven't they? Our doctor was very happy with these results and now, we can take the feeding process a bit easier. Sure we will still keep a routine (with triplets, I find it impossible to let them eat when they want) - but now, we try to feed them after every 4 hours during the night (probably it takes about 2 weeks when they reach 4 h, step by step) and during day time, after every 3 hours like before.
PS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEST FRIEND KRISTI! (She has come to help me once a week... and we are very grateful for that! :))
Photo: Taken on Friday when the boys were ready to get to the car and see the family doctor


Eda said...

Väga tore nii positiivseid uudiseid lugeda:) Su poisid on siis lausa raskemadki kui Märt väga ajalisena sündides 2,9 kg oli;)

Martina said...

Great!! They really have grown!
by the way...what car do you have now? ;)

Janicke said...

Wow - I did not realise that this had happened! Fantastic!!