Friday, September 11, 2009

Summer in our garden - Vol V

Right now, in the middle of September, roses have their second big blooming wave, and many of them are so beautiful right now... it's hard to believe Autumn is approaching so quickly and soon, everything goes to sleep...Photo: Very soon in full blooms - rose "Ingrid Bergmann". It is a hybrid tea rose which is introduced in 1984 by Oelsen. World Federation of Rose Societies ( voted it as the most beautiful rose in 2000.

Photo: "Eden Rose" - new antique rose, introduced in France (1985) by Meilland. It has so very beautiful full double blossoms and beautiful romantic shape, but unfortunately the blossoms are not rain-proof, which makes her growing a bit difficult - you never know if you are going to see the blossoms in their full beauty before the rain destroys them or don't... It was voted among the world's favourite rose in 2006 by World Federation of Rose Societies.

Photo: The lovliest bloomer among white roses - "Aspirin" which was developed by Jans Jürgen Evers in 1997 . Besides blooming so much, its main strength is also the strong resistance to rose diseases. Its leaves are always shiny and healthy while many other roses next to it suffer from time to time.

Photo: "Palmegarten Frankfurt" (introduced in 1988, by Kordes) - my very first rose in the garden; right now it blooms like you see in the picture. A lovely pink spot in the garden.

Photo: Given as a gift from my colleague Marina, "Fantasia Mondiale" (by Kordes, 2000) is the only yellowish rose in my garden. It has well-formed apricot pink blossoms and is loved by my neighbour Kadri.

Photo: One of the "black" roses - "Mildred Scheel" (developed by M.Tantau,1978), bought from one of the private rose growers Mart Ojasalu. It was a very small plant when I bought it, but right now it will have 4 blossoms and I'm curious to see how dark the blossoms will be when they are fully opened.

Photo: A climber rose "Illusion" which will not bloom only once during the summer, but continously (however, not as fully as, for instance, "Flammentanz"). It is bred by Reiner Kordes in 1961 and has dark red blossoms.

Photo: A groundcover rose without a name (was sold so in shop) is appreciated for its dark-red blossoms which do not fade its colour during the blooming at all. Suits so well with white groundcover roses next to it.

Photo: "The Fairy" groundcover polyantha rose which in my garden looks more like a climber (as I've raised its branches alltogether higher). It's loved by all rose growers because of its ability to bloom like crazy, over the summer. The sea of pink flowers really remind of a fairy-tale...
"The Fairy" was bread by Bentall (1932) in United Kingdom.

Photo: A cluster-flowered rose "Candy Cover" (Hybridized by Poulsen, 1992) does not have too many blossoms one time, but they are cherrful with their colourful blossoms - light pink and dark pink together.

Photo: "Sexy Rexy" - loved by many gardeners. In some countries it has spread by name "Heckenzauber". It has a subtle creamy pink colour, with camellia-like, rounded blossoms, and flowers for weeks and weeks throughout the summer. It's bybridized by McGredy (New Zealand) in 1987.

Photo: "The Red Fairy" in a pot with a gypsophila. It is also a heavy bloomer, that is similar to parent, except color which is red instead of pink. It was introduced in 1992.
Photo: The polyantha rose "The White Fairy" produces large clusters of pompon-like white flowers and is quite effective with its dark green small leaves.

Photo: A bright deep-red floribunda rose "Nina Weibull" bred by Poulsen Roser A/S (1961) in Denmark always catches the eye in the garden.

Photo: Blueish climbing rose "Indigoletta", a rose I do not know much about (I bought it cheaply from a fair).

Photo: "Broceliande" (M. Adam, 2004) - quite an interesting combination of colours: fuchsia-pink with creamy; some blossoms look more red and some more creamy.

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