Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Autumn in our garden - Vol I

Two very popular autumn-bloomers in Estonia are hydrangeas and dahlias. One is a bush (hydrangea) which have to be cut a lot to get big and many blossoms, another a flower (dahlia) which has to be taken out each winter to store it in warmer place, but all this fuss is worth it - they bloom like crazy until the frost comes...

Dahlia naturally comes from Mexico and Colombia. Dahlia is named after Swedish 18th-century botanist Anders Dahl. Among gardereners, dahlia is appreciated because of its wide range of colours - the darkest of reds and purples to the brightest of yellows and whites. No doubt - the multiple colored dahlias are the most interesting ones.
In my garden, there are 4 spieces of dahlias right now:
Dahlia "Bluesette" (pink)
Dahlia "Marbel Ball" (white-pink-purple)
Dahlia "Mystery Day" (dark red and white)
Cactus-dahlia "Orfeo" (purple)

In Estonia, two different hydrangeas can be grown - hydrangea paniculata (in Estonian aedhortensia) and hydrangea arborescens (in Estonian puishortensia). The first one is a bush which survives the winter without any problems while the second one is grown in Estonia as a flower which frozens back every year, but recovers due to its good roots and grows itself new stalks and leaves and blooms intensively in August, September and even October.
All hydrangeas grown in Estonia are with white blooms. The other ones (for instance blue hydrangeas) do not survive our cold winters. However, many paniculata blooms develop a lovely pink shade as the blooms age, extending their beauty into September and October months. The name "paniculata" comes from the fact that many of the blooms are panicle-shaped (somewhat cone shaped) rather than ball-shaped.
My hydrangeas are:
Hydrangea arborescens "Annabelle"
Hydrangea paniculata "Grandiflora"
Hydrangea paniculata "Limelight"
Hydrangea paniculata "Pink Diamond"
Hydrangea paniculata "Pinky Winky"

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