Monday, December 29, 2008

Erik's book

Erik's book is called: "Moments from the nature, 2007-2008" . It contains 75 pages of photos about wild animals and some birds.


Eda said...

Oo, kui vahva! Kas tema raamatut hakatakse raamatupoodides müüma? Igaljuhul õnnitlused Erikule!

Anonymous said...

Oi kui põnev - õnnitlused! Mul sama küsimus nagu ka eelmisel postitajal, et kas seda raamatut saab ka kuskilt osta?

Head vana-aasta lõppu ja uue algust! Ande

Annette said...


Karin said...

Ütlen Erikule kõik õnnitlused edasi :). Kahjuks hetkel poelettidel kõrge omahinna tõttu raamatut müügil ei ole... Aga võib-olla tulevikus!

Karin said...

Wow - the book looks great:-) I can only imagine that it has many good photos!!!! Happy new year from Norway:-)

Karin said...

Thanks, Karin! Happy New Year to you to Norway as well :=)

Anonymous said...

I will pass on your article introduced to my other friends, because really good!

Anonymous said...

Although we have differences in culture, but do not want is that this view is the same and I like that!