Friday, October 24, 2008

Pumpkin cheese-cake!

I continue sharing my recipes about pumpkins. In Autumn, I always try to use everything which comes from the garden - either my own or my relatives. I got a huge pumpkin from my brother in September, and now it's almost finished... Tomorrow, I'll make the pumpkin pie once more to go to visit my little niece and then... I have to wait for the next Autumn when I can make some pumpkin meals again!
This pumpkin pie is highly evaluated also by my best friend Kristi (who is a great cook) - it's worth to try for sure!

200 grams of Digestive biscuits
75 grams butter
2 tablesppons sugar
500 grams natural cheese (Creme Bonjour) (maitsestamata toorjuust
3 dl sugar
500 grams of pumpking (cut to pieces
1 3/4 dl sour cream (hapukoor)
2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon of salt
4 eggs
To cover:
2 1/2 dl sour cream (hapukoor)
3 tablespoons of sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar
To decorate: Creek walnuts

How to do it? Heat your owen to 200 degrees. Crush the biscuits and mix it them with melted butter and sugar. Press the mixture to the bottom of the open cake-tin and bake in the owen for 10 minutes.
Heat the pumpkin cubs in the pot in low heat until the liqued has vanished. Stew the cubs until they are soft and make a puree of them. Beat up the natural cheese (Creme Bonjour) and sugar. Add the pumpkin puree, sour cream, vanilla sugar, cinammon and sault. Add piece by piece also eggs.
Pour the mixture to the cake-bottom and bake it in the owen of 175 degrees for about 1 hour.
Beat up the sour cream, sugar and vanilla sugar and grease it to the cake, bake for 5 more minutes. Then cool the cake.
Before serving, keep the cake in the refrigerator as long as you can, minimum for 6 hours, but overnight is even better.
Decorate with walnuts and eat it! Your friends will like it for sure!

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