Monday, November 29, 2010

Just beautiful...

Enne, kui sain emaks. (L.Tungal)

Enne, kui sain emaks, tegin ja sõin sooja toitu.
Mul olid ilma plekkideta riided.
Mul oli vaikseid telefonivestlusi.

Enne, kui sain emaks, magasin nii kaua kui tahtsin ega muretsenud, kui hilja magama läksin. Kammisin juukseid ja pesin hambaid iga päev.

Enne, kui sain emaks, koristasin iga päev.
Kunagi ei komistanud lelude otsa ega unustanud unelaulu sõnu.

Enne, kui sain emaks, ei mõelnud, kas minu toalilled on mürgised või mitte.
Ei mõelnud kunagi vaktsiinidele.

Enne, kui sain emaks, ei olnud minu peale kunagi oksendatud,
kakatud, sülitatud, hammustatud, pissitud ega näpistatud väikeste sõrmedega.

Enne, kui sain emaks, oli mul täiuslik enesevalitsemine - mõtete ja keha kontroll.
Magasin kogu öö.
Ei olnud kunagi hoidnud karjuvat last, et arstid saaksid teha uuringuid või süsti.
Ei olnud kunagi vaadanud pisarates silmadesse ja nutnud.
Ei olnud kunagi olnud ääretult õnnelik pelgalt naeratuse üle.
Ei olnud kunagi öösel kaua istunud vaadates magavat last.

Enne, kui sain emaks, ei olnud kunagi süles hoidnud magavat last lihtsalt sellepärast, et ei tahtnud teda voodisse panna.
Ei olnud kunagi tundud südant purunemas miljoniks tükis, kui ei saanud valu ära võtta.
Ei olnud kunagi teadnud, et keegi nii väike võiks minu elu mõjutada nii palju.
Ei olnud kunagi teadnud, et võiksin kedagi nii palju armastada.
Ei olnud kunagi teadnud, et ma armastaksin emaks olemist.

Enne, kui sain emaks, ei teadnud seda tunnet, kui süda on kehast väljaspool.
Ei teadnud, kui hea tunne võib olla näljast imikut söötes.
Ei teadnud sidemest ema ja lapse vahel.
Ei teadnud, et keegi nii väike võiks panna mind ennast tundma nii vajalikuna.

Enne, kui sain emaks, ei olnud kunagi tõusnud öösel üles iga kümne minut tagant, et kontrollida, kas kõik on korras.
Ei olnud kunagi tundnud seda soojust,
imetlust või rahulolu, mida emadus tekitab.

Ei teadnud, et võiksin nii palju tunda...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sten and his Bunny

Our boys love bunnies. Each of them, have his own night-bunny. Sten is especially found of his. His bunny is given to him by his uncle Margus. Often, when Sten doesn't fall asleep, we give him his bunny and the dreams come quickly...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Winter has arrived...

The first snow came down in October 22. But it melted away... and we had some dark winter weeks. But this week, it all changed. Just a few days ago, the amount of snow was still reasonable, but today, it snowed FOR HOURS. And it looks like perfect Christmas weather... I fear it's a month too early?!? I hope not...
Just a few days ago, it was still like on the following photo and I could take the triplets pram out. Now, it's not possible anymore and they sleep in the garden house.

Today, I had to make roads for the dogs, too, because they couldn't walk!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Last week, we were visited by Kaspar and Birgit. We met Kaspar in the intensive care unit in the maternity hospital. He was brought there 5 days later than our boys. Kaspar was born on the 34th week of his mom's pregnancy due to pre-eclampsia of his mom Birgit. Kaspar and Birgit stayed in the maternity hospital as long as we did and we got friends with them. Later, we found out that we live very close to each other. So Kaspar and Birgit came here to take a walk together. In the middle of our walk, Kaspar started to cry - and we had to return back and come inside to make him calm. On this moment I felt: it can be easier with 3 babies than with 1! :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Father's Day

Today, it's Father's Day in Estonia. Our boys love their daddy, so they happily posed for a picture for the daddy and I made a card with this photo. I took several shots, but this was my favourite (and later Erik said the same), because each boy has a different expression on his face. In the morning, the boys gave a small present and the card for Erik - a new vest to wear at work:
Besides, we went to visit Erik's parents to say Happy Father's Day to Erik's father. It was the first time when the boys were out of our home visiting someone! It went really well and they behaved so nicely - never cried. The photo is taken when we were already leaving.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

3 months old

Our boys turned 3 months old today. It's amazing that they've been in our family already for 3 long months! It has been a very busy period, yet those 3 boys have brought so much joy to our lives, that one cannot express it with words. We cannot imagine life without them anymore!
Yesterday, we visited our doctor, and the results of the boys' growth were the following:
Ralf and Fred - 4.9 kilos and 55 cm
Sten - 4.6 kilos and 55 cm
The doctor was very happy with those measurements and thinks they've gained weight really well.
By now, we can also see their development. Due to their prematurity, the first months were just for eating and sleeping. Now, they start to play and - I've seen their first smiles, too! I was so very happy when Ralf smiled to me for the first time! It was like the best award a mother can get from her child. I had a smile on my face the whole time after that and couldn't wait until Erik and Kert come home to tell about Ralf's development. Yesterday, also Fred has started to smile and slowly, Sten, too. It's even more enjoyable to take care for them, when they interact with me and know, that I'm their mom! :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New hats

I'm not a knitter myself. Although I wish I was, because I really like all handmade things. But thanks to that, I appreciate it even more, when someone does some lovely knitted clothes herself. Those lovely hats have been knitted by my friend Kristi's mom. She made them especially for my boys, all 3 hats have different white pattern wen you look carefully. They will wear those woolen hats during our cold winter!

Monday, November 1, 2010

3 friends, 3 babies

Yesterday, my 3 friends - Kristi, Eve and Marju - stopped by for some minutes. It was just a coincindence, that they all came on the same time!